Recent content by rayosx

  1. R

    Overseas volunteer opportunities

    wow...great info here and something to ponder while recuperating from surgery and venturing out in the world again! Thanks all!
  2. R

    Four Days in Amsterdam

    I can imagine things are very different than when I was there over 40 years ago!! Have fun regardless.
  3. R

    Cartel violence Mexico travel warning

    I have traveled in Mexico for years. I stay away from the Northern States and never have had issues. The Narcos exist. Just don't mess with them and their turf and drugs and you should be fine.
  4. R

    Four Days in Amsterdam

    Sounds like a great trip. I was in Amsterdam in 1978. A long while ago, but really enjoyed it. I know it is very different. Someday I hope to return to visit the Van Gogh Museum again as I have much more appreciation for his life and work since reading "Lust for Life" several years ago. Canal...