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šŸŒ Calling All Travelers! Share Your Insights in Our Hotel Booking Survey!



New member
Apr 22, 2024
Dear Travelers,

Are you a seasoned traveler who loves exploring new destinations and experiencing different cultures? We want to hear from you!

We're conducting a research study to understand travelers' preferences when booking hotel accommodations online. Your valuable insights will help us uncover the factors that influence your choice between hotel websites and online travel agent platforms.

šŸ” Take our brief survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...kTutQwqIisul18arnFTdachg/viewform?usp=sf_link

By participating, you'll have the opportunity to share your experiences and opinions on various aspects of online hotel booking, such as pricing, website quality, payment options, and more.

Thank you for being part of our research community and for helping us improve the travel booking process for everyone. We can't wait to hear from you!

Happy travels,
Maha Guizaoui